Tap It Away

Letting Go With Ease

Do you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders? The daily grind just feels never ending…making sure your family has everything they need, the house is taken care of, the pets too.

Then there’s you…where do you fit into it all? In the leftover minutes at the end of the day, if there are any?

 Managing it all can be stressful and overwhelming.

Let’s be honest, it feels like if one more thing is added to your already overflowing plate, you’re going to collapse?

I get it…I was burnt out and on the brink of a mental breakdown. It wasn’t until I dove headfirst into doing the work that I felt like I was becoming the person
I wanted to be.  

One of the most important things I learned is that making time for yourself is key.  

It will allow you to reset, tap into your resilience (no pun intended lol), and be the best version of you so you can enjoy your time with your family, your partner, and yourself.  

Are you ready to reclaim your sanity? 
Are done white knuckling your way through the day? 

If that’s a HELL YES, then join us to Tap It All Away!

Each month you’ll be guided through a series of customized phrases and tapping points that will help reduce the feelings and thoughts that take over when life takes over and you’re no longer in the driver’s seat. We're also going to focus on what we want to feel instead. This will allow us to start bringing more of that into our day-to-day lives.

Tapping is so simple that you’ll be able to use the tapping points and phrases on your own in between our sessions.  

What it Includes:

  •  1 hour EFT tapping session each month

1st three topics are:

  • January 25th - Feeling judged by ourselves and others
  • February 22nd - Feeling flawed 
  • March 21st - Feeling pressured to be everything to everyone 
  • 30 minute energy healing session each month
  • January 14th - Sound bath
  • February 11th - Reiki 
  • March 10th - Sound bath 
  •  1 surprise pop-up event each month

Could include crystal healing sessions, oracle card readings, women's circles....

  • January 14th - Crystal grid healing 
  • Bonuses
  • A customized 1:1 25 minute EFT booster session
  • Crystal Workbook and Guide 
  • Guided Meditation for Emotional Rejuvination

My tapping sessions with Kim were amazing! She was really able to pinpoint the Root cause of what I was dealing with. She was great at asking the right questions and coming up with the best statements to help me identify what I needed and to feel better. I definitely recommend Kim for EFT sessions. I feel more relaxed and at peace after working with her!

Lynette K.

I felt like a completely new person and was blown away by how much better I felt from one session. Not only did I notice a change in myself, but my husband did too.

Theresa Z.

Kimberly Keane

Course Pricing

Monthly membership

$27 USD

per month

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12 months for price of 10

$270 USD

per year

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VIP Option 1

$79 USD

per month

  • Membership + Three 1:1 30 minutes each per year

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VIP Option 2

$97 USD

per month

  • Membership + Six 1:1, 60 minutes each per year

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